Ken Berg’s “I Am Ruth” Photo Exhibit at the Museum of Biblical Art – Dallas, TX

i-am-ruth-museum-01Amid the Corinthian columns and King James bibles that are amassed within the Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas, you will discover Ken Berg’s photographic collection, “I Am Ruth”. This compilation of photos tells the story of love, loss, and redemption that encompasses Naomi, Ruth and Boaz from the Book of Ruth. Ken has done a superb job of weaving together the artistic with the historic in the telling of this beautiful love story. As the producer/director of Zola Levitt Presents for over 30 years, Ken had the unique opportunity to be in the Holy Land where he captured on film the life and times of Naomi and her family as they fled famine in Bethlehem and arrived in Moab. Then, after tragic losses, Naomi journeys back to Bethlehem with her daughter-in-law, Ruth, where ultimately a redeemer is found.


Come see for yourself the brilliance that is Ken Berg and the images he has captured

through his lens. From the fleeing of Bethlehem, to the arrival in Moab and the ultimate return to Bethlehem, the photos brilliantly take you to the locations and into the lives of the individual players. The exhibit is scheduled to be in place through November 30, 2013.

Those who attended the opening of the exhibit were quoted as saying, “The photos bring me to tears!” “They are so realistic. I feel like I’m actually there!”

i-am-ruth-museum-04In the gift shop you will find the book, “I Am Ruth”, by Ken Berg and Brenda Duff, which contains many of the photos that are part of the collection. In addition, there are signed original prints from Ken Berg.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the Museum of Biblical Art, the Museum Guild, and to Scott Peck for the opportunity to display this ex hibit in such a unique, biblical setting.